Grafik Pergerakan Nilai Tukar Dinar

Grafik Pergerakan Nilai Tukar Dinar

Alasan Fundamental Untuk Memilih Dinar…

1. Dinar emas adalah uang yang digunakan oleh Rasulullah SAW tidak hanya untuk jual beli, tetapi juga untuk penerapan syariah itu sendiri.

a. Nisab zakat yang diukur dengan 20 Dinar atau 200 Dirham.

b. Batasan Hukum potong tangan bagi pencuri batasannya adalah nisab pencuri ¼ Dinar.

c. Diyat atau uang darah [dibebaskan dari hukum qisas (dibunuh)] yang besarannya 1000 Dinar.

Lantas bagaimana kita bisa tahu seseorang menjadi wajib zakat atau malah sebaliknya berhak menerima zakat kalau ukurannya yang berupa Dinar atau Dirham saja kita tidak mengenalnya ?.

2. Fakta di dunia modern ini bahwa uang kertas tidak akan bertahan terlalu lama. Semua uang kertas yang ada di dunia modern ini, tidak ada satupun yang telah membuktikan dirinya bisa survive dalam seratus tahun saja. Bisa jadi nama uangnya masih ada, tetapi jelas daya belinya sangat jauh berbeda dalam rentang waktu tersebut.

Padahal disisi lain ada uang yang daya belinya terbukti tetap lebih dari 1400 tahun yaitu Dinar. Di jaman Rasulullah SAW 1 Dinar cukup untuk membeli kambing, saat inipun 1 Dinar bisa membeli kambing yang baik di Jakarta.


Grafik Harga Emas Harian - Mingguan - Bulanan -Tahunan

Investasi Emas : Koin Dinar, Emas Lantakan Atau Emas Perhiasan ?

Default value (nilai asal) dari investasi emas tinggi - otomatis nilai emas akan kembali ke nilai yang sesungguhnya – yang memang tinggi.

Default value (nilai) uang kertas, saham, surat berharga mendekati nol , karena kalau ada kegagalan dari pihak yang mengeluarkannya untuk menunaikan kewajibannya –uang kertas, saham dan surat berharga menjadi hanya senilai kayu bakar.

Nah sekarang sama-sama investasi emas, mana yang kita pilih ? Koin Emas, Emas Lantakan atau Perhiasan ?


Selasa, 29 September 2009

Gold & Silver: the Shining Stars

Sep 22 2009 3:39PM
Courtesy of

Gold, silver and gold shares are jumping up. Gold hit a record high this month and all three are in ‘break out’ mode. The time of truth is at hand and it won’t take much more strength to confirm that a stronger phase of the eight year old bull market has begun.


We have often talked about gold’s role in the monetary system. For many years it was tossed aside as a barbaric relic and the thinking was that it was old fashioned. Nixon reinforced this in the 1970s when he closed the gold window by taking the U. S. dollar off the gold standard. An energetic economy then became most important.

But in spite of the generally strong U.S. economy and the growing global economies since the 1970s, the dollar has been weakening. Gold has been moving up quietly this decade and your average person or investor is still essentially unaware of its strength, but that will likely soon change.

GOLD: Strong in all currencies…

In today’s world it’s important that gold rise in all currencies. Why? Very simply, it will reconfirm that gold’s strength is powerful and real. We think this is ready to happen.

Looking at Chart 1 (left side), you can see that the gold price has tested the $1000 level twice since March 2008 when it first reached a record high. If gold now stays above $1004, it will clearly be breaking into record high territory and it’ll confirm a stronger phase of the ongoing bull market. You can bet this will attract attention and eventually mainstream investors will jump on board, driving the price much higher.

Interestingly, gold has also formed a head and shoulders technical pattern (see S, H, S). The rule of thumb is, if the NL resistance is broken on the upside, which it was when gold hit a record high, the price could rise the same distance as the size of this formation. In other words, gold could then continue up to near the $1400 level.

We’ll soon see what happens but most interesting is that gold is strong in euro terms as well (see Chart 1, right side). Note that it reached a new bull market high last February when it closed at its 1980 highs. The main point is, if gold can now reach a new record high in both dollars and euros it would be extremely bullish because it would be reaching a record high in the two most widely used currencies in the world.


For now, what we call a “C” rise is ready to go. C rises are recurring, and they’re the best intermediate rises in a bull market when gold reaches new highs (see top of Chart 2). This is why the current C rise is so important, because it’s the first C rise since the financial meltdown last year.

The gold price is the central bankers’ only real discipline. The Federal Reserve has created more credit and injected the most money into the system this year than any other time in its 95 year history, in order to save the economy from a deflationary collapse. But the Fed’s actions, together with Obama’s spending and the massive stimulus from central banks around the world nearly guarantees that the end result will be inflation.

The economy is recovering at a heavy price. And this month’s gold rise suggests that inflation will eventually prevail. This will be especially true if gold breaks clearly out to new record highs. It will be saying that the government is actively creating inflation. This is also why the current C rise is so important.

Chart 2 shows that gold has the power and the room to rise strongly into record high territory. The leading indicator (B) is poised to complete a strong C rise and the gold price (A) shows that once a record high is sustained, gold could indeed jump up to the $1200 level as its first target. The long-term indicator (C) is also in a special situation that usually precedes a strong rise.

Once gold embarks on a stronger phase of the bull market, it’s not inconceivable that gold could eventually reach the $2,000 to even the $5000 level before the mega rise is over, looking out to the years ahead.

GOLD: Better than stocks, currencies & bonds

The stock market and the currencies have been good investments, but it’s important to know that gold is the best investment. It’s stronger than the currencies as you saw, and it’s stronger than the stock and bond markets. Chart 3 shows this clearly. Note that when comparing these markets, gold has been steadily stronger than the Dow Jones Industrials, and the U.S. bond market since 2001. Both ratios have been moving up since rising above the mega trend, the 80 month moving average, in 2003. This means that gold is solidly stronger than these other markets and its gains have been greater.

We are invested in the different market sectors because the trends are up and we’ll stay diversified as long as the trends stay up, but keep in mind that the strongest markets are in the gold and metals sectors. Most important, it’s not too late to buy.

by Mary Anne & Pamela Aden


Mary Anne & Pamela Aden are well known analysts and editors of The Aden Forecast, a market newsletter providing specific forecasts and recommendations on gold, stocks, interest rates and the other major markets. For more information, go to


Investasi Emas, Why Not?

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Emas dari dulu memang menjadi fenomena yang menarik hati. Memang benar apa yang dilakukan para orang tua jaman dulu yang gemar membeli emas atau tanah dari pada barang lainnya. Karena mereka tahu bahwa harga emas bakal naek terus dari tahun ke tahun. Investasi emas untuk jangka panjang (long term) memang sangat menjanjikan disamping simple juga tidak terlalu membutuhkan keahlian khusus untuk menjalankannya. Sama halnya dengan investasi tanah. Kendalanya mungkin pada keamanan penyimpanan emas itu sendiri, apakah di simpan di rumah atau di bank (Safe Deposit Box Bank). Perjalanan harga emas dari tahun ke tahun sangat fantastis, tahun 1998 harga emas per gramnya mencapai Rp 25,000,-, tahun 2004 sudah mencapai Rp. 90,000,-, sedangkan sekarang harga per gramnya per tanggal 29 Mei 2008 sudah mencapai Rp. 279,000,-. Memang harga emas belakangan ini sempat naik turun akibat fluktuasi harga minyak dunia. Ya, setidaknya kita perlu jeli untuk memanfaatkan peluang berinvestasi emas mengingat kondisi tersebut.

Kenapa Emas?


Jangan Taruh semua Telor dalam satu keranjang. Pastikan investasi anda berada dalam beberapa instrumen invesatsi anda selain tanah, saham, obligasi, dan emas tentunya.


Sejarah membuktikan emas tidak memiliki efek inflasi (ZERO INFLATION EFFECT) dan cendrung stabil dengan nilai yang riil.


Di beberapa negara terjadi penurunan produksi emas, sehingga menimbulkan kelangkaan (scarcity) emas di masyarakat sedangkan permintaan terhadap emas meningkat. Hal ini bisa memicu kenaikan harga emas.

(Ditulis oleh : Gede Suarnaya, dari berbagai sumber)